Business plan vs. business roadmap

Icons, billeder brugt til illustration.


Sikkerhed for os og vor kunder.

Dette Site må ikke vises til nogen!!!!!!.

Generer adgangskode.

Degenerer adgangskode.

Formulér og test hypoteser om kode som forretningsmodellen

Foreløbig laves en dørstation til Videx. Og denne model af en website er et mix af kode samt anvendeligheden af de enkelte komponenter. Jeg tror at hvis kode, forretnings model samt tydelig forklaring for at producere et produkt er en rød tråd gennem dette website. Kan der laves en skabelon der får produkter hurtigt gennem udvikling. Med andre ord skal enhver kunne producere ud fra dette websites opskrifter.

  1. Værditilbud
    Værditilbuddet er en enkel form for beskrivelse af produktidé i forhold til kommende kunder.
  2. Segmenter
    Hvem sælger vi til?
  3. Salgskanaler
    Hvordan når vi ud til vores segmenter?
  4. Arbejdsfordeling
    Hvem laver hvad?
  5. Produktion
    Hvem skal producere varen, og til hvilken pris kan de gøre det?
  6. Forventede udgifter og indtægter
Idé og kodesikkerhed.

I sidste ende er en kode idé ikke meget værd, hvis ikke den kan gøres til en forretning, som vi tjener penge på. Men vigtigst er at idé som kode beskyttes. Arbejder på det.

DNS Server.

Hvad gør en DNS Server?

En DNS Server som FreeDNS, gør at man kan bruge navne som vist på billedet. Og ud fra et Domain som man ejer, kan skabe lige så mange navne man vil, ud fra sit Domain navn. Dette er en gratis løsning for at give vor kunder, eller enheder, som kameraer et web navn f.eks. eller

Under menu'en DNS ACME, ses hvordan man laver en secure HTTPS:// adresse med FreeDNS.

Link. FreeDNS

På den lange bane, må vi selv have(lave) en DNS server. Og ikke være afhængig af FreeDNS.



Rock SE Server Configuration
Get started
Download balenaetcher, and install.
Download putty, and install.
Download winscp, and install.
Ubuntu server, use this version Ubuntu 20 Server(Linux 4.4). file rockpi-4b-ubuntu-focal-server-arm64-20221109-1331-gpt.img.xz
Windows. I "Find" eller "Search" skriv:
# herefter.
ping rockpi-4b
Hvis rocken bliver fundet. Kommer der et svar som:
Pinging rockpi-4b.local [2a02:aa7:4042:3549:1cc9:891c:d03a:8c06] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2a02:aa7:4042:3549:1cc9:891c:d03a:8c06: time<1ms
Hvis der kommer svar er der klar til at connecte med Putty. Start putty og..

Connect til rockpi-4b med Putty.
Host Name:rockpi-4b
Connection type:SSH/telnet
Ved at vælge save, kan man gemme denne session.
login as: rock
rock@rockpi-4b's password: rock

Sound config, expand filesystem, timezone e.t.c.

Find default speaker output.
aplay --list-devices
Find Device [USB PnP Sound Device], da vil vil sætte Rocken til at bruge dette til afspiller når den starter op.:
card 2: Device [USB PnP Sound Device], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]

Here finding the soundcard it is called card 2. It´s the "2" there is importent and device 0. Used to set the default output(speaker) soundcard.
pcm "hw:2,0"

Find default microphone input.
arecord --list-devices
Find Device [USB PnP Sound Device:
card 2: Device [USB PnP Sound Device], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]

Here finding the soundcard it is called card 2. It´s the "2" there is importent and device 0. Used to set the default input(microphone) soundcard.
pcm "hw:2,0"

The USB sound device can be made the default audio device by make a file named ".asoundrc" in /home/rock :
and in /etc/asound.conf
sudo nano ~/.asoundrc
sudo nano /etc/asound.conf

pcm.!default {
	type asym
	capture.pcm "mic"
	playback.pcm "speaker"
pcm.mic {
	type plug
	slave {
		pcm "hw:2,0"
pcm.speaker {
	type plug
	slave {
		pcm "hw:2,0"
Update Firmware.
Når man forsøger at update Rocken. Går den i ged??.
Løsningen er at update key filen.
Update key.
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 9B98116C9AA302C7
Meddeles tilbage der mangler keys, skift 9B98116C9AA302C7 ud med dem der mangler.

Der kan nu updates.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean

Change password.
echo "rock:spacewalk" | sudo chpasswd

Set tim zone.
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Copenhagen

Set host name.
sudo nano /etc/hosts
Change rockpi-4b, to.

Give Rock permission to /home/rock or ~/.
sudo hostnamectl --static set-hostname rockpi4b
sudo chown -R rock:rock /home/rock

Type "Alsamixer", select soundcard. Then adjust the mic & volume and exit.
sudo alsactl store

sudo reboot

Update CMake

SimpleBLE relies heavily on plenty of CMake functionality. So we have to update CMake to lastest version.
Check your version.
cmake --version
# check latest release version. At this time this is 3.29.0
If yours to old?. First remove the old version.
cd ~
sudo apt purge --autoremove -y cmake

Update system, Compile and install the new version.
Or install from pre compiled version?.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential libpython3-dev libusb-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libudev-dev libical-dev libreadline-dev && \
sudo apt install -y libssl-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev build-essential nlohmann-json3-dev
tar -xzvf cmake-3.29.0.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.29.0
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

After backup. Clean Up.
cd ~
rm cmake-3.29.0.tar.gz && sudo rm -R cmake-3.29.0

After that, check version.
cmake --version

Backup newly Compiled Cmake vesion.
cd ~
tar -czf cmake_bac_3.29.0.tar.gz cmake-3.29.0

Extract CMake pre compiled version. And install from this. Time saver.
tar xfz cmake_bac_3.29.0.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.29.0
sudo make install
cd ~
rm cmake_bac_3.29.0.tar.gz && sudo rm -R cmake-3.29.0

Check if soundcard settings works?.
aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
arecord -D plughw:2,0 --duration=3 test.wav && aplay test.wav

############### Login to FreeDNS, set up subdomain(A Record), and IP address. ################
############### Install required certbot package and tools for DNS ################
sudo apt install -y libc++-dev git socat certbot dnsutils zip unzip cron locales

############## Now create a file, contain bash script from file. ################
Change this line(6) to reflect the static IP to use. static_address=""
cd ~
Make it exe ready, and run it.
chmod u+x
If no output after run. Alles OK.

Create a cron job that run every minute. To check if IP addresse has changed?.
sudo crontab -e
Write this at the bottom of the file.
* * * * * /home/rock/ >> /home/rock/wwan0_sim7600.log 2>&1 &

Check status of cron service.
sudo systemctl status cron

############## Use dig command to check the DNS record ################
dig +short -t a
dig +short -t a
dig +short -t a
# It should return the (public) IP address of your server. If not fix it.

############## Install ################
sudo -i
git clone
./ --install --accountemail "users FreeDns email"

# After the installation, you can use sudo source .bashrc or just close/open your session to enable bash completion.
source ~/.bashrc

# Or..Close current terminal and reopen again to make the alias take effect

# Login and generate for FREEDNS account
# Export FreeDNS userid and password in following variables...
# FREEDNS_User=user FreeDns email
# FREEDNS_Password=password
# login cookie is saved in acme account config file so userid / pw
# need to be set only when changed.
sudo -i
cd ./
export FREEDNS_User="users FreeDns email"
export FREEDNS_Password="password"
./ --issue --dns dns_freedns -d --keylength 4096 --force
# The default location for to store certs is:
# /root/

############## Backup ################
# Backup
sudo zip -r ~/ /root/

############## Restore ################
# Restore as user rock
sudo unzip ~/ -d /
sudo -i

############### Upgarde and enable auto upgrade: ################
./ --upgrade --auto-upgrade

############## Update Certs ################
# All
./ --renew-all --force

# Single
./ --renew -d --force

############## Shows the subject and domain names in the csr. ################
./ --showcsr --csr /root/

############### Copy the relevant certificates to a location of your choice ################
# Make dir for certs
mkdir -p /home/rock/certs/

# Install to location
./ --install-cert -d \
--cert-file /home/rock/certs/ \
--key-file /home/rock/certs/ \
--fullchain-file /home/rock/certs/ \
--ca-file /home/rock/certs/

Back as user rock.

# Set group
sudo chown -R -v www-data:www-data /home/rock/certs

# Set owner
sudo chown -R -v www-data /home/rock/certs

# followed by
sudo chmod -R 775 ~/certs

# Add our user to www-data group.
sudo usermod -a -G www-data rock

# Generate DH param
cd /home/rock/certs/
openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 4096
Or copy an old one.
sudo cp dh.pem /home/rock/certs/

############## Edit account.conf ################
sudo nano /root/
# You can get the dns_cookie by analyzing the saved cookie in your browser while logged in.
# Firefox: Webudvikler->Webconsole->Lagerplads->dns_cookie

Compile install libserialport

libserialport: cross-platform library for accessing serial ports.
sudo apt install -y git autoconf libtool
git clone
cd libserialport
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

backup compiled libserialport.
tar -czf libserialport_bac.tar.gz libserialport

extract compiled libserialport.
tar xfz libserialport_bac.tar.gz
cd libserialport/
sudo make install
cd ~
rm libserialport_bac.tar.gz && sudo rm -R libserialport_bac

Her er et modem test program Send "AT", recive "OK" i c++.
Example AT Modem Libserialport.

/dev/ttyUSB2 er et modems AT port.
SerialClass *serial=NULL;	
serial=new SerialClass();
if( !serial->Start() ){
	std::cout << "error findig port? " << std::endl;
	letter = 'x';
Når programmet kører tast "a" og Enter for test.
Sender "AT\r" til modemet, og forventer at få svaret "OK".
time_out=3; Giver modemet 3seconds max, Har modemet ikke svaret inden kommer en fejl meddelse "Time OUT????".
ellers "Hurray: expected: OK"
std::string send_val="AT\r";
std::string expected="OK";

Her er header cpu.h PDU filen c++.
PDU header .h file.

Her er pdu.cpp PDU filen c++.
PDU .cpp file.

Her er et modem test program som sender en SMS i PDU format, i c++.
Når programmet kører tast "b" og Enter for test.
Example AT Modem Libserialport.

Når man sætter et USB device ind, får det en, som ovenfor "/dev/ttyUSB2".
Men det kan ske at den har fået denne adresse tilfældige adresse "/dev/ttyUSB4".
Og så virker programmet ikke mere. Men der en løsning "symlink".
Ved symlink forbinder man hardware id'et med et navn.
Som vist under menu'en SIM7600
Man bruger således simlink navnet til at finde adressen.
Som det ses er der givet symlink adressen "/dev/ttySIM02" til "AT" porten på modemet.
Koden her viser, hvordan man finder den rigtige adresse "/dev/ttyUSBX".
std::string ttyUSB_port="";					  
std::string ttySIM_port="/dev/ttySIM02";
std::string ret=ExecCmd("ls -l /dev/ttySIM0*");
int pos = ret.find(ttySIM_port);
if( pos > 0 ){
	// Copy substring after pos 
	std::string str = ret.substr(pos + 1);

	std::vector strs;				
	boost::split(strs, str , boost::is_any_of("\n"));
	if( strs.size() > 0 ){
		//std::cout  << strs.size() << " str: " << strs[0] << std::endl;
		std::vector strs_1;				
		boost::split(strs_1, strs[0] , boost::is_any_of(" "));
		if( strs_1.size() > 0 ){
			//std::cout << " ttyUSB_port: " << ttyUSB_port << std::endl;
			std::cout << "No serial PORT found" << std::endl;
			return 1;
		std::cout << "No serial PORT found" << std::endl;
		return 1;
	std::cout << "No serial PORT found" << std::endl;
	return 1;

Boost Beast & minIni
Boost asio beast compile install.
Vær opmærksom på at rocken går helt dø ved udpakning af boost_1_84_0.tar.gz, op til flere minutter.
cd ~
sudo apt install -y libssl-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev build-essential nlohmann-json3-dev
tar xfz boost_1_84_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_84_0/
./ --prefix=/usr
./b2 stage -j$(nproc) threading=multi link=shared
sudo ./b2 install threading=multi link=shared
cd ~
rm boost_1_84_0.tar.gz

#backup boost
tar -czf boost_1_84_0_bac.tar.gz boost_1_84_0

#extract boost
tar xfz boost_1_84_0_bac.tar.gz
sudo apt install -y libssl-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev build-essential nlohmann-json3-dev
cd boost_1_84_0/
sudo ./b2 install threading=multi link=shared
cd ~
rm boost_1_84_0_bac.tar.gz && sudo rm -R boost_1_84_0

Advanced_server_flex Test.
cd ~
mkdir -p ~/code/advanced/server-flex/build
cp ~/boost_1_84_0/libs/beast/example/advanced/server-flex/advanced_server_flex.cpp ~/code/advanced/server-flex
cd ~/code/advanced/server-flex
nano advanced_server_flex.cpp
Now change the line #include "example/common/server_certificate.hpp" to---
#include "server_certificate.hpp"

Before we start testing Boost beast, we want to make the support for ini files.
minIni is a portable and configurable library for reading and writing ".INI" files.
Read the dokumentation at this site. To have the support for ini files, get the files for it.
cd ~/code/advanced/server-flex
git clone
cp ./minIni/dev/minGlue.h ./minIni/minGlue.h
cp ./minIni/dev/minIni.c ./minIni/minIni.c
cp ./minIni/dev/minIni.h ./minIni/minIni.h

Now make file door_server.ini, to store settings.
mkdir -p ~/code/advanced/server-flex/build/assets
nano ~/code/advanced/server-flex/build/assets/door_server.ini

# Add load certificate from files:
nano server_certificate.hpp
Now change all of server_certificate.hpp to reflect this file.
Example server_certificate.html.

nano CMakeLists.txt
Now change all of CMakeLists.txt to reflect this file.
Example CMakeLists.txt.

cd build
cmake ..

To clean project you can simply recursively delete all files/directories within the build directory, for example:
rm -r *

But this clean everything, this is not always what we want?.
More work, but now we are in control?. Make a clean up file in the build directory.
if [ -f cmake_install.cmake ]; then
rm cmake_install.cmake
if [ -f CMakeCache.txt ]; then
rm CMakeCache.txt
if [ -f server_flex ]; then
rm server_flex
if [ -d CMakeFiles ]; then
rm -R CMakeFiles
find . -type f ! -name "*.*" -delete
Now make it exe ready.
chmod u+x
You can now run.
Make index.html
nano index.html
Here is a copy of index.html.

Run server_flex ip) 8080(Port) .(this directory) 1(how many threads)
sudo ./server_flex 8080 . 1

Find servers ip adresse.
ip addr show eth0 | grep "inet\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1
Test. Go to your browser.

Install FFMPEG

Download the latest git build.
tar xvf ffmpeg-git-arm64-static.tar.xz

Find ffmpeg version folder
At this time it is:

Check if all is there.
ls ffmpeg-git-20240301-arm64-static

Start using ffmpeg with the relative path to the binary.

Check for old version.
whereis ffmpeg
If its show "ffmpeg:" there is not any ffmpeg at the system. We are all set.
If its show "ffmpeg: /usr/bin/ffmpeg". Then.
sudo rm /usr/bin/ffmpeg

Do the same for ffprobe
whereis ffprobe

Show the exe path for the system.
echo $PATH

According to my shell's path I have exe files in /usr/local/bin.
Move the static binaries ffmpeg and ffprobe into the shell's path.
sudo mv ffmpeg-git-20240301-arm64-static/ffmpeg ffmpeg-git-20240301-arm64-static/ffprobe /usr/local/bin/

Check if its working?.
whereis ffmpeg
whereis ffprobe

Make install Openh264
Install tools.
sudo apt install -y libssl-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev build-essential nlohmann-json3-dev

cd ~
git clone
cd openh264
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
cd ~

Compile Install Asterisk

Install dependencies
sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade

sudo apt install -y autoconf binutils-dev build-essential ca-certificates curl file \
libcurl4-openssl-dev libedit-dev libgsm1-dev libogg-dev libpopt-dev libresample1-dev \
libspandsp-dev libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev libsqlite3-dev libsrtp2-dev libssl-dev \
libvorbis-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev odbcinst portaudio19-dev procps unixodbc \
unixodbc-dev uuid uuid-dev xmlstarlet libnewt-dev libncurses5-dev libjansson-dev \
subversion pkg-config libtool libopus-dev libopusfile-dev

Download and compile, install.
cd ~
tar xf asterisk-20.2.1.tar.gz
cd asterisk-20.2.1
nano third-party/pjproject/patches/config_site.h

#define PJMEDIA_MAX_SDP_MEDIA 99 #81

sudo contrib/scripts/install_prereq install
sudo contrib/scripts/
sudo ./configure
sudo make menuselect

"Add on" format_mp3
"Extras Sound Packages" EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-WAV
"Codec Translators" codec_opus codec_silk

sudo make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
sudo make samples
sudo make config
sudo make install-logrotate
sudo ldconfig

sudo truncate -s 0 /etc/logrotate.d/asterisk
sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/asterisk

/var/log/asterisk/debug /var/log/asterisk/console /var/log/asterisk/full /var/log/asterisk/messages /var/log/asterisk/*log {
        rotate 15
        size 2M
        create 640 asterisk asterisk
              /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'logger reload' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

# Install opus, for some reason menuselect option above does not working
tar -xzf codec_opus-20.0_1.3.0-x86_64.tar.gz
cd codec_opus-20.0_1.3.0-x86_64
sudo cp /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/
sudo cp /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/
sudo cp codec_opus_config-en_US.xml /var/lib/asterisk/documentation/

# Set permisson and copy certificates for asterisk
sudo addgroup asterisk
sudo adduser --system --home /var/lib/asterisk --no-create-home --ingroup asterisk --shell /bin/false asterisk

sudo adduser asterisk dialout && sudo adduser asterisk audio
sudo chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/{lib,log,run,spool}/asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk /etc/asterisk

sudo mkdir /etc/asterisk/keys
sudo chown asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk/keys

sudo cp /home/rock/certs/ /etc/asterisk/keys
sudo cp /home/rock/certs/ /etc/asterisk/keys

sudo chown asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk/keys/fullchain.pem /etc/asterisk/keys/key.pem
sudo chmod 600 /etc/asterisk/keys/fullchain.pem /etc/asterisk/keys/key.pem

sudo nano /etc/default/asterisk
uncomment the following two lines:


# Backup http.conf
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/http.conf /etc/asterisk/http.conf.bak

Paste at the end of file
sudo nano /etc/asterisk/http.conf


;; tls certificados

# Backup pjsip.conf
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf.bak

Paste at the end of file
sudo nano /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf

allowguest = no

type = transport
protocol = udp
bind =
external_media_address =         ;; Public IP
external_signaling_address =     ;; Public IP
;local_net =          ;; Docker IP

external_media_address =         ;; Public Ip
external_signaling_address =     ;; Public Ip
;local_net =          ;; Docker Ip

;; 6000 UDP

type = aor
max_contacts = 1


type = endpoint
transport = transport-udp
context = office-phones
disallow = all
;allow = !all,opus,ulaw,alaw,vp8,vp9
allow = !all,ulaw,alaw,h264,vp8
aors = 6000
auth = 6000

;; 7000 UDP
type = aor
max_contacts = 1


type = endpoint
transport = transport-udp
context = office-phones
disallow = all
;allow = !all,opus,ulaw,alaw,vp8,vp9
allow = !all,ulaw,alaw,h264,vp8
aors = 7000
auth = 7000

;; 7001 Webrtc
type = aor
max_contacts = 1


type = endpoint
transport = transport-wss   ;; important
context = office-phones
disallow = all
;allow = !all,opus,ulaw,alaw,vp8,vp9
allow = !all,ulaw,alaw,h264,vp8
aors = 7001
auth = 7001
dtls_auto_generate_cert=no  ;; important
webrtc=yes	            ;; important
force_rport=yes             ;; important 
direct_media=yes            ;; important

;; 7002 Webrtc
type = aor
max_contacts = 1


type = endpoint
transport = transport-wss   ;; important
context = office-phones
disallow = all
;allow = !all,opus,ulaw,alaw,vp8,vp9
allow = !all,ulaw,alaw,h264,vp8
aors = 7002
auth = 7002
dtls_auto_generate_cert=no  ;; important
webrtc=yes	            ;; important
force_rport=yes             ;; important 
direct_media=yes            ;; important

allow = !all,ulaw,alaw,h264,vp8

# Backup extensions.conf
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf.bak
Paste after [general]
sudo nano /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf

exten => 6000,1,Dial(PJSIP/6000)
exten => 7000,1,Dial(PJSIP/7000)
exten => 7001,1,Dial(PJSIP/7001)
exten => 7002,1,Dial(PJSIP/7002)
same => n,Playback(hello-world)
same => n,Hangup()

# Backup modules.conf
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/modules.conf /etc/asterisk/modules.conf.bak
Paste at the end of file
sudo nano /etc/asterisk/modules.conf

noload =
noload =
noload =>
load = res_crypto
load = res_http_websocket
load = res_pjsip_transport_websocket
load = codec_opus
load = res_srtp

# Backup rtp.conf
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf.bak
Change and paste after [general]
sudo nano /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf

icesupport=yes                      ;; important
strictrtp=no                        ;; important    ;; important

# Backup cel.conf
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/cel.conf /etc/asterisk/cel.conf.bak
Paste at the end of file
sudo nano /etc/asterisk/cel.conf

radiuscfg => /etc/radcli/radiusclient.conf

# Backup cdr.conf
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf.bak
Paste at the end of file
sudo nano /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf

radiuscfg => /etc/radcli/radiusclient.conf

sudo systemctl restart asterisk
sudo systemctl status asterisk
sudo asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

If this error: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?). Run.
sudo systemctl restart asterisk
And try again.

localhost*CLI>http show status
localhost*CLI>pjsip show endpoints
localhost*CLI>pjsip show registrations

Activate fail2ban asterisk
This does a 18-days ban on the IP that performed the attack.
sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

enabled = true
port     = 5060,5061
filter = asterisk
#action_  = %(default/action_)s[name=%(__name__)s-tcp, protocol="tcp"]
#%(default/action_)s[name=%(__name__)s-udp, protocol="udp"]
action = %(action_)s
logpath  = /var/log/asterisk/messages
findtime = 10800
maxretry = 3
bantime = 604800

Restart fail2ban/status.
sudo systemctl restart fail2ban
sudo systemctl status fail2ban
sudo fail2ban-client status asterisk

# Configuring Firewall
sudo ufw allow 5060/udp
sudo ufw allow 10000:20000/udp

# Starting Asterisk
sudo systemctl enable asterisk
sudo systemctl start asterisk
asterisk -V
sudo asterisk -rvvvvv
Use quit or exit to get out.

Check status.
sudo systemctl status asterisk

#If On error,look in system filen.
sudo journalctl -u asterisk.service --since today

#Backup in asterisk .conf files.
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf /etc/asterisk/asterisk.bak && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf /etc/asterisk/cdr.bak && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/cel.conf /etc/asterisk/cel.bak && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf /etc/asterisk/extensions.bak && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/http.conf /etc/asterisk/http.bak && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/logger.conf /etc/asterisk/logger.bak && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/modules.conf /etc/asterisk/modules.bak && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf /etc/asterisk/pjsip.bak && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf /etc/asterisk/rtp.bak
#Deploy asterisk .conf files.
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/asterisk.conf /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf && \
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/cdr.conf /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf && \
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/cel.conf /etc/asterisk/cel.conf && \
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/extensions.conf /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf && \
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/http.conf /etc/asterisk/http.conf && \
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/logger.conf /etc/asterisk/logger.conf && \
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/modules.conf /etc/asterisk/modules.conf && \
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/pjsip.conf /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf && \
sudo cp /home/rock/asterisk_conf/rtp.conf /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf
#Save asterisk .conf files for later use.
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/asterisk.conf && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/cdr.conf && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/cel.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/cel.conf && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/extensions.conf && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/http.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/http.conf && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/logger.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/logger.conf && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/modules.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/modules.conf && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/pjsip.conf && \
sudo cp /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf /home/rock/asterisk_conf/rtp.conf					

Backup asterisk .conf files for later use.
cd ~
tar -czf asterisk_conf_bak.tar.gz asterisk_conf

Download asterisk_conf_bak.tar.gz

Extract asterisk_conf_bak.
cd ~
tar xfz asterisk_conf_bak.tar.gz

sudo make uninstall-all
sudo killall -9 safe_asterisk
sudo killall -9 asterisk
sudo systemctl disable asterisk

cd /usr/src/
sudo rm -rf /etc/asterisk && \
sudo rm -rf /var/log/asterisk && \
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/asterisk && \
sudo rm -rf /var/lib64/asterisk && \
sudo rm -rf /var/spool/asterisk && \
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk && \
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib64/asterisk
sudo reboot

Check if modem sim7600G is present:
If Showning:
Bus 007 Device 004: ID 1e0e:9001 Qualcomm / Option
Then QMI/RMNET network interface is enabled, default for sim7600.

Check for port assignment
ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
Shut show:
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Apr 10 17:53 /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 1 Apr 10 17:53 /dev/ttyUSB1
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 2 Apr 10 17:53 /dev/ttyUSB2
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 3 Apr 10 17:53 /dev/ttyUSB3
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 4 Apr 10 17:53 /dev/ttyUSB4
Interface number
0 USB serial Diagnostic Interface
1 USB serial GPS NMEA Interface
2 USB serial AT port Interface
3 USB serial Modem port Interface
4 USB serial USB Audio Interface
Have a ethernet interface. Not USB
5 Net wwan interface

Thise ports can change name, after reboot etc.
/dev/ttySIM00 point_to -> ttyUSB0
/dev/ttySIM01 point_to -> ttyUSB1
/dev/ttySIM02 point_to -> ttyUSB2
/dev/ttySIM03 point_to -> ttyUSB3
/dev/ttySIM04 point_to -> ttyUSB4
Assign fixed device name to USB port.
sudo lsusb -v | grep 'idVendor\|idProduct\|iProduct\|iSerial'
idVendor 0x1e0e Qualcomm / Option
idProduct 0x9001
iProduct 2 SimTech, Incorporated
iSerial 3 0123456789ABCDEF

Create Symlink:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-serial.rules
If iSerial is 0, omit it.
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1e0e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="9001", SYMLINK+="ttySIM%E{ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM}"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1e0e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="9001", SYMLINK+="ttySIM%E{ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM}", ATTRS{serial}=="0123456789ABCDEF"

Save, Load the new rule:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

Or reboot:
sudo reboot

Verify this works:
ls -l /dev/ttySIM*

Install minicom
sudo apt-get install -y minicom

Commands minicom
close minicom

echo on/off

Problems minicom
sudo killall -9 minicom

Start minicom on the AT interface
sudo minicom -D /dev/ttySIM02

AT+CFUN? Check if active?.
AT+CFUN=1 for active and
AT+CFUN=0 for suspend
Make it active, if not

AT+IPR? Check baudrate
# baudrate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200. "0" is auto
AT+IPR=115200 Set baudrate


SIM7600 Module works in wan mode by default 1, lan mode 0.
AT+CLANMODE? Check the current mode using.
AT+CLANMODE=1 Set sim7600 in wan mode

at+cgpaddr=1 Check if ISP has given sim7600 an IP addresse?.
If NOT "Houston we have problem???".

By default the SIM7600 PID is 9001 and the PID configuration is 9001:Diag, NMEA, At, Modem, Audio, Rmnet.
AT+CUSBPIDSWITCH? Check the current PID value.
If the response is 9001, no need to change the mode or if it is different PID value you can change it with.
AT+CUSBPIDSWITCH =9001,1,1 Change the PID to 9001.

AT+CSQ Network signal quality query, return signal value
0 (minimum, =< -113dBm) to 31 (maximum, >= -51 dBm)

AT+CNUM Query the phone number (not all SIM cards support this command), but sim7600 do

AT+CSCA? Get SMSC adresse
AT+CSCA="+4540590000",145 Set SMSC adresse

AT+COPS? Query the current operator, the operator information will be returned after normal networking

Install dependencies.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y modemmanager libmbim-utils libqmi-utils
sudo reboot

Setup nmcli as admin for modem connetion.
sudo mmcli --scan-modems
sudo mmcli -L
If not "/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/1 [QUALCOMM INCORPORATED] SIMCOM_SIM7600G-H" or similar.
"Houston we have problem???".
If we have the string, look for the number, after /Modem/x, we have to remember this number.

We will use this number. To get information about the sim7600 number x. Here, I have the number x=1.
sudo mmcli --modem=1

Enable It.
sudo mmcli --modem=1 --enable

Set nmcli to handle modem USB connection. The name ifname(cdc-wdm0) is importent, as well the APN(
sudo nmcli c add type gsm ifname cdc-wdm0 con-name door_sim apn

Run now.
And hopefully you got a IP address from your ISP provider??;

sudo reboot

Run after reboot, and check that you got a IP address.
And hopefully you got a IP address from your ISP provider?, You ar all done.

Check. Ping via interfacet "wwan0"
ping -I wwan0
And hopefully you got a response.

Compile install SimpleBLE
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libpython3-dev libusb-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libudev-dev libical-dev libreadline-dev
git clone
cd SimpleBLE/simpleble
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -B build_simpleble
cmake --build build_simpleble -j$(nproc)
sudo cmake --install build_simpleble
cd ~
sudo rm -R SimpleBLE

Er der problemer med header files for SimpleBle. Copy headers, så de er tilgængelige.
cd ~/SimpleBLE/simpleble/include
sudo cp -R simpleble /usr/local/include

SimpleBLE kan bruges på alle platforme.
Som test laver jeg en Arduino Bluetooth Server.

// Service name to the broadcasted to outside world
#define PERIPHERAL_NAME "PWB Device"
#define SERVICE_UUID "CD9CFC21-0ECC-42E5-BF22-48AA715CA112"
#define CHARACTERISTIC_OUTPUT_UUID "142F29DD-B1F0-4FA8-8E55-5A2D5F3E2471"

PERIPHERAL_NAME er navnet som annonceres, Søg på bluetooth og navnet "PWB Device" skulle gerne dukke op.
SERVICE_UUID er serverns id. Kaldet uuid "CD9CFC21-0ECC-42E5-BF22-48AA715CA112".

En server kan have en eller flere BLECharacteristic.
Denne server har:
Dette gør at uuid stringen "66E5FFCE-AA96-4DC9-90C3-C62BBCCD29AC" forbindes med alt som Arduino Severen sender ud.
Dette gør at uuid stringen "142F29DD-B1F0-4FA8-8E55-5A2D5F3E2471" forbindes med alt som Arduino Severen modtager.
Da jeg bruger PROPERTY_NOTIFY, gør det at alle som forbinder til denne Server kan sende en notifikation

Med andre ord. Der er nu lavet en bluetooth Server som enheder kan connecte til.
F.eks. en ESP32 med relæ, On/Off lampe.
Vi kan nu fra mobil connecte til serveren, se om lampen er tænt?, og eller slukke og tænde lampen.

# Her er en Arduino ino fil med koden til en sådan Bluetooth Server.
Når Arduino Serveren starter spytter den bluetooth adressen ud.
Her er koden som sørger for dette.
Serial.print("ESP Board Bluetooth MAC Address: ");

Det er vigtig at bemærke at alle uuid's er hard coded.
Og at Bluetooth adressen, er forskellig fra den ene ESP32 til den anden.
Bid nu mærke i denne adresse.
Den ESP32 jeg bruger har bluetooth adressen:

Check with iphone lightblue. Install lightblue from App Store.
Start lightblue on iPhone.
Kik efter PERIPHERAL_NAME "PWB Device", som angivet i ino filen.
Du finder de resptive UUID's
Server uuid: CD9CFC21-0ECC-42E5-BF22-48AA715CA112
Sender uuid: 66E5FFCE-AA96-4DC9-90C3-C62BBCCD29AC
Reciver uuid: 142F29DD-B1F0-4FA8-8E55-5A2D5F3E2471
Hvis disse vises, virker Bluetooth Serveren.(Hurray).

Man kan, hvis man ellers kan programmere?, kan man lave en sådan Server på alle platforme.
Java,php,c,c++,pascal,delphi,python,bash,html,erlang,assembler,fortran,xcode,eclipse o.s.v eller med arduino kode som her.

Her laves nu en client i c++, med overbygningen boost asio beast.
Først har jeg lavet en klasse.
class ScanClass.
Det smarte ved denne er at den kører som et Thread, d.v.s når den er aktiveret, lever den sit eget liv. Man kan så multitaske(lave noget andet).
For at der kan snakkes med den, har jeg lavet nogle "public" set og get funktioner. Som kan bruges når vi har lyst.
For at holde det simpelt, har jeg fjernet en del kode som auto melder tilbage.
Her er det public interface:
bool isScanRunning()
bool peripheral_is_connected()
int get_addr_type()
int get_dbm_int()
int get_tx_power_int()
int get_peripheral_idx()
void set_time_to_scan(int val)
void set_peripheral_identifier_to_find(std::string val)
void set_peripheral_address_to_find(std::string val)
void set_uuid_read_to_find(std::string val)
void set_uuid_write_to_find(std::string val)
void do_write(std::string val)
std::string get_peripheral_address()
std::string get_peripheral_identifier()
De første 6 er "gettere" resten 8 er "settere".

Her sætter vi bluetooth adressen, vi vil connecte til:
Her sætter vi uuid adressen, som vi kan skrive til:
Her sætter vi uuid adressen, som vi kan læse fra :
Nu er der bare at køre.
Se video kommunikation mellem Arduino ino og c++.

# C++ Koden for Client Bluetooth.
Div Links to sites with Bluetooth BLE etc.

Esp32 Server UUID's
#Generate Use Linux command line.
#Or Web
Any Bluetooth Server most have a SERVICE_UUID



Se en koden for Arduino ino BLE 2relay Server:

Check with iphone lightblue. Install lightblue from App Store.
Start lightblue on iPhone.
Kik efter PERIPHERAL_NAME "Sesam_open", som angivet i ino filen.
Du finder de resptive UUID's
Hvis disse vises, virker Bluetooth Serveren.(Hurray).
Der kan nu laves et xcode project som connecter til Bluetooth Severen.

iPhone Swift XCode, I am using storyboard.
Dette er et Xcode project for styring af et 2relays modul.

Add permision for Bluetooth.
Target->Info->Bundle version (click + sign)
Select (Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Descriptsion)
Set Value (This app uses Bluetooth to connect to peripherals.)

E-Paper GDEY0213Z98 122x250, SSD1680

  • SSD1680
  • 3V3
  • 3V3
  • BUSY
  • 15
  • CS
  • 5
  • SCK
  • 18
  • MOSI
  • 23
  • DC
  • 0
  • RST
  • 2
  • GND
  • GND
// ESP32 CS(SS)=5,SCL(SCK)=18,SDA(MOSI)=23,BUSY=15,RES(RST)=2,DC=0
display(GxEPD2_213_Z98c(/*CS=5*/ 5, /*DC=*/ 0, /*RST=*/ 2, /*BUSY=*/ 15));


Generate 1-bitmap.
# update php gd
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y php8.2-gd

git clone
cd lv_utils
php img_conv_core.php "name=first_name&img=person_1.png&format=c_array&cf=indexed_1"
php img_conv_core.php "name=etage&img=Iconoir-Team-Iconoir-Building32.png&format=c_array&cf=indexed_1"

Se video flash epaper modul.

Backup dir
Arduino project SSD1680_GxEPD2:
Arduino project esp32_pins:

USE ESP32 Sketch Data Upload
Remember: The uploader will overwrite anything you had already saved in the filesystem.
First create dir "tools" in C:\Users\g\Documents\Arduino
Download the lastests esp32fs
At the moment it is
From this extracted. Copy folder ESP32FS to C:\Users\g\Documents\Arduino\tools\ESP32FS

To use in your PROJECT
Create a Arduino project, normaly located in C:\Users\g\Documents\Arduino\PROJECT_NAME
Now create dir "data" in your project folder, and then create a file "config.json" in this folder.
And make the content.
"ssid": "pwb_space",
"ssid_password": "spacewalk657"
Now restart Arduino.
You shut now have a new menu:
tools->ESP32 Sketch Data Upload
When you see the message "SPIFFS Image Uploaded", alles OK.
You now have a file config.json at the esp32 filesystem.

Se en koden for Arduino ino for config, and system files:

I use this for the board
Tools-> Board to "ESP32 Dev Module"

ESP32-CAM with OV2640 camera sensor


A zero-ohm resistor connects the top two pads(internal antenna).
Simply remove this resistor and place it between the bottom pads(external antenna).



APN Hotspot
Check the interfaces available in our system using iwconfig:
wlan0, show os it is a wireless extensions.
Check that our Wi-Fi card wlan0 supports AP mode:
nmcli -f WIFI-PROPERTIES.AP device show wlan0
Response: WIFI-PROPERTIES.AP: yes.
wlan0 is suppoted.

Add dns=dnsmasq as showed:
sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

Need a DHCP server installed (e.g. dnsmasq). Install dnsmasq and stop,disable it:
sudo apt install -y dnsmasq
sudo systemctl disable dnsmasq
sudo systemctl stop dnsmasq

sudo reboot

To create an access point with the name "door_spot" and a password "spotHallo" run:
sudo nmcli con add type wifi ifname wlan0 mode ap con-name WIFI_AP ssid door_spot && \
sudo nmcli con modify WIFI_AP bg && \
sudo nmcli con modify WIFI_AP 1 && \
sudo nmcli con modify WIFI_AP 802-11-wireless-security.key-mgmt wpa-psk && \
sudo nmcli con modify WIFI_AP 802-11-wireless-security.proto rsn && \
sudo nmcli con modify WIFI_AP ccmp && \
sudo nmcli con modify WIFI_AP 802-11-wireless-security.pairwise ccmp && \
sudo nmcli con modify WIFI_AP 802-11-wireless-security.psk spotHallo && \
sudo nmcli con modify WIFI_AP ipv4.method shared && \
sudo nmcli con up WIFI_AP
Connection 'WIFI_AP' (68d7d569-9982-4c31-a8c8-de780de273f1) successfully added.
Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/5)
Check for WiFi networks. A new network "door_spot" is add.

See and edit this files WiFi configuration can bee done as:
sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/WIFI_AP.nmconnection

Setup forwarding. Remove "#" in front off liniie.
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
#linie 28, go to linie in nano "Ctrl" + "-", write 28, "Enter"
#linie 33

Add 1, to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/forwarding.
sudo nano /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/forwarding

Add 1, to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.
sudo nano /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Restart NetworkManager.
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

See metric
route -n
ip route

Disable gateway,metric on interface.
sudo nmcli c mod 'Wired connection 1' ipv4.never-default true sudo nmcli c mod 'Wired connection 1' ipv6.never-default true

Set metric
sudo nmcli connection modify 'WIFI_AP' ipv4.route-metric 150
sudo nmcli connection up 'WIFI_AP'

# get the name of interface
sudo nmcli c

sudo nmcli c edit 'door_sim'
set ipv4.route-metric 100

sudo nmcli c edit 'WIFI_AP'
set ipv4.route-metric 200

sudo nmcli c edit 'Wired connection 1'
set ipv4.route-metric 300

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

To have APN to give internet accesses over eth0.
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

To have APN to give internet accesses over wwan0.
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wwan0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wwan0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o wwan0 -j ACCEPT







linphonec & linphonecsh
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends libgl1 libglib2.0-0 libglew-dev

Check for old versions
whereis linphonecsh
whereis linphonec

extract linphone
cd ~
mkdir -p ~/linphone-sdk/build/linphone-sdk
cd ~/linphone-sdk/build/linphone-sdk


tar xfz linphone_desktop_bak.tar.gz
rm linphone_desktop_bak.tar.gz
cd ~
sudo ln -s /home/rock/linphone-sdk/build/linphone-sdk/desktop/bin/linphonec /usr/local/bin/linphonec
sudo ln -s /home/rock/linphone-sdk/build/linphone-sdk/desktop/bin/linphonecsh /usr/local/bin/linphonecsh

sudo mkdir /root/.local/share/linphone

backup linphone
cd ~ tar -czf linphone_desktop_bak.tar.gz desktop

Get version
sudo linphonec -v

Start Linphone.
sudo linphonec
You will immediately receive a error that reads:
port 5060: Address already in use
That is, in fact, exactly what is happening. The standard communication
channel for the SIP protocol is UDP port 5060, and it's already in use by our
SIP Asterisk server. Let's tell Linphone to use port 5062 with this command:
linphonec> ports sip 5062

Now login, first time. Linphone will now remember you.
register password

Select what audio device to use for phone calls:
linphonec> soundcard list
linphonec> soundcard show
linphonec> soundcard use [number]

Select what video device to use for phone calls:
linphonec> webcam list
linphonec> webcam use [number]

Disable all codecs that are not PCMU or PCMA:
linphonec> codec list
linphonec> codec enable [number]
linphonec> codec disable [number]

Video codecs:
linphonec> vcodec list
linphonec> vcodec enable [number]
linphonec> vcodec disable [number]

All the settings that you've made will be saved to /root/.linphonerc

Important to register to sip server.
linphonec> register password

You are now insite the application linphone. Now type "help" or "help advanced". To get out type "quit".
Output help
Commands are:
help Print commands help.
answer Answer a call
autoanswer Show/set auto-answer mode
call Call a SIP uri or number
calls Show all the current calls with their id and status.
call-logs Calls history
camera Send camera output for current call.
chat Chat with a SIP uri
conference Create and manage an audio conference.
duration Print duration in seconds of the last call.
firewall Set firewall policy
friend Manage friends
ipv6 Use IPV6
mute Mute microphone and suspend voice transmission.
nat Set nat address
pause pause a call
play play a wav file
playbackga Adjust playback gain.
proxy Manage proxies
record record to a wav file
resume resume a call
soundcard Manage soundcards
stun Set stun server address
terminate Terminate a call
transfer Transfer a call to a specified destination.
unmute Unmute microphone and resume voice transmission.
webcam Manage webcams
quit Exit linphonec
Type ' help ' for more details or
' help advanced' to list additional commands.

Output help advanced
Advanced commands are:
codec Audio codec configuration
vcodec Video codec configuration
ec Echo cancellation
el Echo limiter
nortp-on-audio-mute Set the rtp_no_xmit_on_audio_mute configuration parameter
vwindow Control video display window
pwindow Control local camera video display (preview window)
snapshot Take a snapshot of currently received video stream
preview-snapshot Take a snapshot of currently captured video stream
vfureq Request the other side to send VFU for the current call
states Show internal states of liblinphone, registrations and calls, according to linphonecore.h definitions
register Register in one line to a proxy
unregister Unregister from default proxy
status Print various status information
ports Network ports configuration
param parameter set or read as normally given in .linphonerc
speak Speak a sentence using espeak TTS engine
staticpic Manage static pictures when nowebcam
identify Returns the user-agent string of far end
ringback Specifies a ringback tone to be played to remote end during incoming calls
redirect Redirect an incoming call
zrtp-set-verified Set ZRTP SAS verified.
zrtp-set-unverified Set ZRTP SAS not verified.
Type 'help ' for more details.

At the rock's command-line type, to see linphones config file.
sudo cat /root/.linphonerc


Linphonecsh is a small utility to send basic commands to a linphonec (console mode linphone) process.
Unlike linphonec, linphonecsh does not wait commands from standard input: it takes the command from its arguments
and sends it using unix pipe to a linphonec process started in daemon mode.
The motivation for this tool is for example to simply execute voip calls from scripts, web-servers, or javascript web pages.

Allways init before use.
sudo linphonecsh init -a -C -c /root/.linphonerc -d 6 -l /home/rock/linphone_log.txt

linphonec running in daemon mode.
sudo linphonecsh -h

linphonecsh generic
The resulting linphonec daemon does not read or write any configuration file. Use the -c to read from configuration file.
sudo linphonecsh init -c ~/.linphonerc

linphonecsh commands.
sudo linphonecsh generic "help ports"
sudo linphonecsh generic "ports" //prints current used ports.
sudo linphonecsh generic "ports sip 5062" //Sets the sip port to 5062.

sudo linphonecsh generic "help soundcard"
sudo linphonecsh generic "soundcard list" //list all sound devices.
sudo linphonecsh generic "soundcard show" //show current sound devices configuration.
sudo linphonecsh generic "soundcard use (index)" //select a sound device to use.

sudo linphonecsh generic "help codec"
sudo linphonecsh generic "codec list" //list audio codecs
sudo linphonecsh generic "codec enable (index)" //enable available audio codec
sudo linphonecsh generic "codec disable (index)" //disable audio codec

sudo linphonecsh generic "help vcodec"
sudo linphonecsh generic "vcodec list" //list video codecs
sudo linphonecsh generic "vcodec enable (index)" //enable available video codec
sudo linphonecsh generic "vcodec disable (index)" //disable video codec

sudo linphonecsh generic "help camera"
sudo linphonecsh generic "camera on" //allow sending of local camera video to remote end.
sudo linphonecsh generic "camera off" //disable sending of local camera's video to remote end.

sudo linphonecsh generic "help stun"
sudo linphonecsh generic "stun" //show stun settings.
sudo linphonecsh generic "stun (addr)" //set stun server address.

sudo linphonecsh generic "help firewall"
sudo linphonecsh generic "firewall" //show current firewall policy.
sudo linphonecsh generic "firewall none" //use direct connection.
sudo linphonecsh generic "firewall nat" //use nat address given with the 'nat' command.
sudo linphonecsh generic "firewall stun" //use stun server given with the 'stun' command.
sudo linphonecsh generic "firewall ice" //use ice.
sudo linphonecsh generic "firewall upnp" //use uPnP IGD.

sudo linphonecsh generic "help webcam"
sudo linphonecsh generic "webcam list" //list all known devices.
sudo linphonecsh generic "webcam use (index)" //select a video device.

sudo linphonecsh generic "help autoanswer"
sudo linphonecsh generic "autoanswer" //show current autoanswer mode
sudo linphonecsh generic "autoanswer enable" //enable autoanswer mode
sudo linphonecsh generic "autoanswer disable" //disable autoanswer mode

sudo linphonecsh generic "status autoanswer"
sudo linphonecsh generic "status hook"
sudo linphonecsh generic "status register"

sudo linphonecsh generic "register password"

Allways exit.
sudo linphonecsh exit

ps aux | pgrep linphonec
If showing linphonec --pipe. linphonec is running.

Test program c++.
Look at c++ linphone.

Download a c++ linphone program to compile.
NB. Uses MiniIni.
Function init_linphone(), shows how til initialize /root/.linphonerc before register.

Problems linphonec
sudo killall -9 linphonec

Establishing a Connection to APNs

Apple provides two authentication methods p8 vs p12

Using Token-Based (.p8) vs Certificate-Based (.p12) Authentication to APNs.

Previous Token Revokation You can have up to two .p8 keys in your Apple account. If you need to generate a third key, you will need to revoke one of your existing keys and it can no longer be used.

Note: .p8 keys are in the “keys” section of the Apple developer account and the .p12 certificates are under “certificates”. In your Apple account, you can only have two .p8 keys, but you can have both active .p12s and .p8s.

Firebase Browser Push Notification

Firebase Android Push Notification

Firebase IOS Push Notification

Install iptables.

sudo apt install -y iptables

delete old configuration, if any.
Flush all the rules in filter and nat tables
sudo iptables --flush && sudo iptables --table nat --flush

delete all chains that are not in default filter and nat table, if any.
sudo iptables --delete-chain && sudo iptables --table nat --delete-chain

cd ~

# IPv6

## set default policies to let everything in
ip6tables --policy INPUT   ACCEPT;
ip6tables --policy OUTPUT  ACCEPT;
ip6tables --policy FORWARD ACCEPT;

## start fresh
ip6tables -Z; # zero counters
ip6tables -F; # flush (delete) rules
ip6tables -X; # delete all extra chains

# IPv4

## set default policies to let everything in
iptables --policy INPUT   ACCEPT;
iptables --policy OUTPUT  ACCEPT;
iptables --policy FORWARD ACCEPT;

## start fresh
iptables -Z; # zero counters
iptables -F; # flush (delete) rules
iptables -X; # delete all extra chains

# delete old configuration, if any
# Flush all the rules in filter and nat tables
iptables --flush             
iptables --table nat --flush
# delete all chains that are not in default filter and nat table, if any
iptables --delete-chain    
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
chmod u+x

UFW setup.

# Install UFW, setp rules.
sudo apt install -y ufw
sudo ufw disable

sudo ufw default allow outgoing && sudo ufw default deny incoming && \
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 22,80,443 comment 'Open SSH HTTP/HTTPS ports' && \
sudo ufw allow 10000:20000/udp comment '{(Asterisk SIP Clients)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 1194/udp comment '{(OpenVPN)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 5060 comment '{(Asterisk pjsip.conf port)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 5062 comment '{(Linphone port)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 8088 comment '{(SIP over WebSocket)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 8089 comment '{(SIP over WebSocket)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 995 comment '{(POP3S)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 993 comment '{(IMAPS)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 587 comment '{(STARTTLS over SMTP)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 465 comment '{(SMTPS)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 143 comment '{(IMAP)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 110 comment '{(POP3)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 25 comment '{(SMTP)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 8443 comment '{(STUN)}' && \
sudo ufw allow 53 comment '{(DNS BIND)}'

sudo ufw show added

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status verbose

# only when running
sudo ufw status
sudo ufw status numbered

# Reset delete all rules
sudo ufw reset

Fail2ban setup.

# Install fail2ban
tar xzf 1.0.2.tar.gz
cd fail2ban-1.0.2
sudo python install
sudo cp -a build/fail2ban.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start fail2ban
sudo systemctl enable fail2ban
sudo systemctl restart fail2ban
sudo systemctl status fail2ban

# make jail.local
sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
# or, a one liner
sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.{conf,local}

sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

ignoreip = ::1	#92
bantime = 1d		#101 "bantime" is the time that a host is banned 10m=10minutter 1d=1dag.
findtime = 10m		#105 A host is banned if it has generated "maxretry" during the last "findtime" 10m=10minutter
maxretry = 3 		#108 maxretry the maximum number of failures before the IP is blocked.
sudo systemctl restart fail2ban
sudo systemctl status fail2ban

# Test your configuration
fail2ban-client --test

# See the log
sudo cat /var/log/fail2ban.log
# clear the log
sudo truncate -s 0 /var/log/fail2ban.log

# Fail2ban ships with a command-line tool named fail2ban-client
sudo fail2ban-client version
sudo fail2ban-client -h

# check status
sudo fail2ban-client status

# Ban an IP address
sudo fail2ban-client set sshd banip

# Unlocking an IP address
sudo fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip

# To activate a rule, use its name from the configuration file and the command:
sudo fail2ban-client add sshd

# Then start it.
sudo fail2ban-client start sshd

# status of jail sshd
sudo fail2ban-client status sshd

SMS Server Setup

Update controller.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean

Check om der er et GSM module.
Hvis ikke følg anvisningerne

Under menu'en SIM7600.

Se assignment.

ls -l /dev/ttySIM*

Install Under menu'en Libserialport.

Install Under menu'en Boost C++.


Business plan vs. business roadmap

Icons, billeder brugt til illustration.